theory classes
- CS 154 - Introduction to Automata and Complexity Theory
- CS 166 - Data Structures
- CS 168 - The Modern Algorithmic Toolbox
- CS 229M - Machine Learning Theory
- CS 242 - Programming Languages
- CS 250 - Algebraic Error Correcting Codes
- CS 251 - Cryptocurrencies and Blockchain Technologies
- CS 254 - Computational Complexity
- CS 254B - Computational Compelxity II
- CS 257 - Introduction to Automated Reasoning
- CS 261 - Optimization and Algorithmic Paradigms
- CS 263 - Counting and Sampling
- CS 355 - Advanced Topics in Cryptography
- CS 359A - Research Seminar in Complexity Theory
- CS 368 - Algorithmic Techniques for Big Data
machine learning classes
- CS 229 - Machine Learning
- CS 230 - Deep Learning
- CS 329D - Machine Learning under Distribution Shifts
math classes
- Math 61CM - Modern Mathematics, Continous Methods
- Math 62DM - Modern Matehmatics, Discrete Methods
- Math 107 - Graph Theory
- Phil 151 - Metalogic
music classes
- Music 21- Music Theory
- Music 112 - Film Scoring
- Music 127B - Advanced Orchestration